by Philip Coulling
For the first time since 2018, Adult Session returns to the beginning of the summer operating season, its usual spot in even-numbered years. During the past two, long years of the pandemic, we have all spent more time than perhaps we wanted stuck at home, but with COVID restrictions, and self- imposed isolation, have come new opportunities for a rededication to the natural world and serendipitous discoveries in our own backyard.
Come to Camp the second weekend in June to share what you have learned and to learn more about exploring and celebrating “Nature at Home”! We will understand why “nature lessons are life lessons,” take a dive into Deep Ecology, learn how to walk in the woods, and see more animals before they see you, examine the tracks and signs that animals leave behind, explore animal symbolism in Appalachian ballads and consider this genre as a feminine space, and discuss easy native plants to grow at home. As always, there will also be several opportunities for artistic expression: nature writing, art journaling, carving black walnut walking sticks, drying flowers in silica gel, and even a stone tool making workshop. In addition, a half-day excursion will investigate the geology, biology, and ecology of Blue Quartz Hill in Nelson County (but don’t try to find that name on any map). In addition, the ever-popular Appalachian stringband workshop will culminate in a concert on Sunday night.
Please join us for five days (or as many days as you are able) of good fun, warm fellowship, educational forays, and delicious food from June 9-13 (Thursday-Monday). The cost is $350/person, and registration is now open at https://www.naturecamp.net/adult-session/.