by Adam Rotche
WHEN: 10:00 AM through the evening, RAIN OR SHINE. If the weather is really unfriendly, call Camp to be sure we’re still going hiking: 540-377-2491
WHERE: Nature Camp
WHAT: “Sunday Hikes” (We know they’re on Saturday, but like to call them by their traditional name) followed by dinner and relaxation. BRING YOUR LUNCH!
WHO: All friends of Nature Camp
COST: $20 per person over 10 years of age, or $50 maximum for a family. Those 10 and under free with a parent.
DETAILS: You and your friends and family are invited for a day at Nature Camp. Paul Cabe and Leigh Ann Beavers are once again devoting their time, talent, and tithe to a wonderful fundraiser to benefit the Nature Camp Foundation, which provides generous and invaluable financial and other assistance to Nature Camp. You can help support Nature Camp while enjoying a fall day in the woods, great food, and fun people. Activities will include counselor-led hikes (and possibly in-Camp activities for those who prefer to remain more sedentary). Paul, Leigh Ann, and company will be busily preparing dinner while all the hikes are out, so you can come enjoy a great meal after your hike (vegetarian and vegan options will be available). We will NOT be able to provide babysitting, so choose your hike accordingly if you have small children. All minors must be accompanied by parent or legal guardian.
Hikes will LEAVE CAMP by 10:30 AM, so please arrive in time to be ready by then. PLEASE BRING YOUR LUNCH, trail snacks, and plenty of water bottles with you. And a mask just in case!
Please REGISTER online at: https://app.etapestry.com/onlineforms/NatureCampFoundation/HikeDay2.html
If you have any questions email Adam Rotche at arotche@gmail.com
Because this event will be outdoors and social distancing will be easily accomplished, masks will not be
required for the hike or the dinner. However, masks will be required when entering any Camp buildings (LS and T-houses). We ask that anyone experiencing symptoms of Covid-19 or who has been in contact with anyone who has had Covid recently not attend this event. Weather permitting, we plan to eat dinner outside so as to better facilitate safe social distancing while enjoying the company of our Nature Camp community!