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Nature Camp Adult Session 2019

The good Lord willin’ and the creek don’t rise, Adult Session 2019 will take place August 16-20. This year’s session just happens to coincide with the 50th anniversary of a time when the creek did indeed rise – a whole lot!  On the night of August 19-20, 1969, the remnants of Hurricane Camille stalled out over the Blue Ridge Mountains, and the historic rainfall that ensued caused massive flooding in and around Nature Camp.  We will recount that event, examine the perfect storm of conditions that produced this meteorological phenomenon, and take a trip to see local sites that still bear the scars and other signs of flooding and landslides that Camille produced. There will also be the usual state of natural history pursuits – plants, birds, herps, and the like – plus haiku, alcohol inks on tile, and medicinal mushroom tinctures.  So come join us in August – but keep an eye out for Percy!