The good Lord willin’ and the creek don’t rise, there will be Adult Session this August! Much uncertainty lies before us in the months ahead, of course, including the availability of the COVID-19 vaccine for all prospective participants, the possibility of further easing of restrictions on the size of indoor gatherings and recommendations for mask wearing and physical distancing, and the feasibility and prudence of including a field trip that requires transportation by crowded multi-passenger van. But this much we do know, with as much certainty as one knows much of anything more than a year into the coronavirus pandemic: Adult Session is scheduled to take place from Friday, August 20, to Tuesday, August 24, and we will roll over into 2021 the theme that had been selected last year, “ The Language of Nature.”
The tentative lineup of classes and other activities includes opportunities to explore the natural world through the written word, the songs and calls of birds, the dance of honeybees, and the signals that plants disseminate through the air and their interconnected fungal networks. And of course, there will be the language of music, informal folk singing in the evenings and the always popular Appalachian string band workshop. We’ll also take a look at the night sky with an even cooler telescope than we’ve had the pleasure and privilege of using before. Registration is now open at www.naturecamp.net, and updates to the schedule will be posted there as the spring progresses.
Please stay well, get your shots, bring some face masks, and join us in August!
Details and registration are on the Nature Camp, Inc website >