All NewsNature Camp Inc. News

News from Nature Camp, Inc.

It’s going to be a busy year! The contract with L. G. Flint Construction has been signed and the renovation of the Education Building will begin right after Adult Session this year. There will be opportunities for everyone who is interested to participate in some part of the project. Much of the demolition work in the fall and many of the final touches in the spring will happen at Service Weekends. We will probably also need volunteers to take on some special projects outside of Service Weekends – look for more details and invitations soon. We’ll hold an informational session at Spring Service Weekend for anyone interested in being part of the project, and we’ll find a good way to let everyone know how plans are progressing.

We are refreshing our look in other ways, too. We will soon have a beautifully revised Nature Camp brochure, thanks to Stacy Luks, who has been working with Helm and Hue Design out of Richmond, Virginia. Next, Stacy will be working on revamping our website to bring it up to date, including making it more mobile-friendly.

I am excited about all of the changes, which will undergird our abilities to deliver a top-notch educational experience to our campers. An added plus will be the many opportunities to create community and engage with one another. Let me know if you have any questions.

Hope to see you in Vesuvius!

Katie Hoffman
President, Nature Camp Incorporated