Nature Camp Foundation News

Nature Camp Foundation Upcoming Elections

The Nature Camp Foundation has staggered terms of office for the four elected officers and five appointed Committee Chairs. Most offices have term limits of two consecutive full terms. According to our By-Laws, members in good standing (those that have contributed either financially or in-kind during the current or previous fiscal year), or members of the Lillian Schilling Founders Circle, are eligible to vote. If you qualified to vote you should already have received your ballot. Officers for election this year are NCF President, and Member-at-Large. Nominees for these positions include Annie White for president. Annie is a former camper and counselor and active in Work weekends. She recently formed Resource Strategies, a consultancy firm that works with market and policy solutions for companies wanting to advance sustainability. You can read more about Annie in the Spring 2012 Afterglow. Annie is running unopposed.

The two candidates for Member-at-Large are both former campers and counselors. Alia Anderson is a Transportation planner specializing in bicycle and pedestrian planning and still active with Camp through Adult Session and Work weekends. Jeff Pool is a computer scientist working with NVIDIA focusing on lowering the energy consumption of their products to make them more energy efficient. Both candidates express a strong desire to help support Camp in any way they can.

So, please return your ballots and the results of the Election will be posted on the NCF website as well as published in the spring 2014 Afterglow.