Nature Camp Inc. News

Shapes and Patterns in Nature: Summary of Adult Session 2010

By October 5, 2010 No Comments

From the October 2010 Afterglow


June 11-15 saw almost fifty people at camp for the 21st Adult Session. Among them were about a dozen staff members for the summer session attending as guests of Nature Camp Inc. Almost half of the remaining registrants were new to Adult Session, including members of garden clubs, Master Naturalists, and several parents of recent counselors.

The session was very successful, with excellent talks and activities by new and previous instructors. New or especially noteworthy were: a string band class culminating in a concert (organized by Michaux Hood with assistance from Molly Pickral and friend Marc Perdue), a chapel service by the Rev. Bernard Bangley, a class on new agricultural techniques and a slide show on agriculture in developing countries by Bruce Williams. We instituted a nature treasure hunt on the last evening which was well received and will become a standard offering. Other highlights included Betsy Bangley’s class on making leaf prints, a silver-jewelry class by Nell Fredericksen, and an informative review of the controls on stream shapes and the unintended effects of engineering on stream flow by Gerald Pottern. Sunday morning we had a field trip to see the effects of Hurricane Isabel on the South River and discussed the problems of balancing environmental requirements and flooding concerns of landowners.

Adult Session next year will be August 19-23, right after Fourth Session. The spring 2011 issue will carry more information, or you can check the web site in February.