All NewsNature Camp Foundation News

News from the Development Committee

by Amy Kasdorf Gonzalez

Hello Friends! Your gifts never cease to warm the cockles of my heart. Last year we received 138% of our Annual Fund goal, in addition to generous contributions to our Scholarship Funds. Thank you! So far, (as I write in March) we are at 11% of this year’s Annual Fund goal.

We have a fairly major project in the works this year, which I will describe in our Spring/Summer Solicitation letter. In the meantime, allow me to plant an idea. With our online payment processor, you have the ability to easily set up recurring payments: monthly, quarterly, etc. I invite you to consider recurring gifts to smooth your expenses and streamline your life, while regularly supporting an organization you care about, Nature Camp Foundation. Visit the Recurring Gifts section of the Give page.

So, the thing to remember is: Set it and forget it!!