It’s been a really great year so far for NCI, Philip Coulling once again saw the campers through four successful sessions of experiential learning, and Adult Session was evidently as engaging and inspiring as ever. Joe Garvin (VP) and I met with the staff during both opening and closing weeks this summer, and we agree that we’re lucky to have such an intelligent, enthusiastic group of young people on staff. Philip and his Assistant Director, Max Manuel, did a great job of making sure Camp ran smoothly. Philip and Nina Chew Anderson (Education) teamed up to make sure that there were plenty of good Evening Program speakers over the summer. Stacy Luks (Publicity) hosted a very well-attended Prospective Camper Orientation. She also led the effort to redesign and refresh our Nature Camp brochure. The website is next! Alex Haney (FinancialAssistance) reports that we were able to provide some financial assistance to all who requested it, Corey Basham (Facilities) is working withVentry Smith (Caretaker) and Theta Miller (NCF’s Service Weekend Coordinator) to make sure that we stay on top of all facilities matters. Thank goodness for our Treasurer, Ben Rottenborn, who works with Philip to ensure that all of our financial records stay in good order and—last but not least, Tony Walters (Secretary), who does a great job of making sure that we’re all informed about meetings and tasks. We have a great board—please thank them for their work when you see them!
Of course, the Education Building Project is also cranking up and will soon be in full swing. Andy Flint, our contractor, was able to find us some free lab fittings–including a table with a chemical-proof surface—all of which are from the University of Lynchburg. He’s saving us big $$ and we’re recycling! The Education Building Steering Committee has three team leaders to help with project management: Ryan Garvin (Lab), Jerry Trammell (Museum) and Claire Lant (Library). We’ll be recruiting a team for each space—more on that soon. Fall Service Weekend was a festival of listing, packing, and moving items to storage bins as we prepared the space for renovation. And WOW! The Education Building looks very different. Good things to come!
If you want to be on a particular team, email me at hoffmankatie@rocketmail.com and let me know.
By Katie Hoffman, Nature Camp, Inc. President