Nature Camp Foundation News

May Celebration of the Life of Gus Deeds

By October 3, 2014 No Comments

gusdeedsOn May 3rd, the Nature Camp Foundation sponsored the Celebration of the Life of Gus Deeds at the Nature Camp Chapel. A little more than a hundred people gathered for the service at Camp on Saturday afternoon. The service included music played by Gus’s friends and some of the ‘elders’ of the Nature Camp musical family as well as a recording of a string quartet that was written by Gus. For a good hour, current campers and counselors told stories and remembrances about their time with Gus and what they had learned from him. It is a testament to Camp and Flip that campers felt so comfortable contributing, participating, and sharing from the heart. The service ended with the friendship circle and the Lord’s Prayer. Soon after the service ended, a kickball game commenced that lasted until well after dark. This was an important event for the community, providing some closure, healing, and a meaningful and fun time. Thank you Philip Coulling, Shirley Napps and Amy Gonzalez for planning the event, the Deeds family for giving us the opportunity to celebrate Gus’s life with you, and all who joined us for this meaningful day.