Nature Camp Foundation News

Sunday Hikes at Nature Camp – Fall Hike Day 2009

By November 30, 2009 No Comments

Afterglow76We got lost on the way—twice— while attempting to reach the trailhead for St. Mary’s River Gorge. It was a rather inauspicious start to a great hike. Other hikers scattered in different directions, headed up Mine Mountain, Mt. McClung, December Ridge, McClung/Whetstone Ridge, or off to Narnia. About 70 people braved the iffy weather on Saturday, Oct. 10, to go on Sunday Hikes at Nature Camp. The sky decided to rain on us occasionally, but finally gave up in the afternoon. The fall foliage was incredible, the colors very vibrant. The water in St. Mary’s River was blue and clear and there
were rocks with Scolithus tube fossils everywhere!

Though some folks had to head off right after their hikes were over, most of us sat down to dinner in the L.S., where, in addition to fresh turkey from Joel Salatin’s Polyface Farm, we dined on mashed potatoes and gravy, cucumber salad, carrots, lentils, croissants, and apple cobbler with fresh whipped cream. Many, many thanks to Paul Cabe and Leigh Ann Beavers for their exceptional generosity in providing the food and preparing it along with veteran cooks Chris Chamberlin and Jeff Pool. Eight members of this year’s staff helped lead hikes and clean up afterward.

? Shirley Napps