We had a very successful service weekend September 18-21, 2008. We had three major projects and were able to complete all three, as well as a number of smaller projects. We painted the walls and ceiling inside the coed counselors room, we re-roofed a section of the LS, and we rebuilt the berm behind the infirmary.
We removed the old shingles, felt, and rotten wood from the kitchen and cooks’ room of the LS and replaced them. We knew that we couldn’t re-roof the entire LS in a three-day weekend, so we just chose the section of the roof that was the most worn. We will continue with another section of the LS roof in May 2009 and finish the LS roof in September 2009.
Several weeks before, there had been a big rain storm at camp. The water was coming off McClung Mountain so fast that it jumped the berm that we had built behind the infirmary in November 1999. The water was running near the foundation and starting to erode the dirt and rock near the lower back corner of the building. Charlie hired a local backhoe operator to use his backhoe during the storm to widen the ditch on the mountain side of the berm, so the rainwater wouldn’t undercut the footing of the building. If the footing had been undercut and dropped several inches, we would have had a big mess.
During service weekend we removed a lot of the rock that remained in the ditch, spread new landscape fabric to retard future erosion, built the berm higher, and covered the landscape fabric with local stone riprap. The ditch is now about twice as wide as it was before and hopefully will accommodate the next big rain.
There were a number of other projects that were accomplished. Most of those involved repairing screens and screen doors and encasing the wiring in the chapel inside conduit.
Of the 68 folks who attended, twelve had never been to a previous service weekend, ten folks were on staff this past summer, and five were campers this past summer. Chuck was chief cook and bottle washer with help from many others. The meals were, as usual, just fantastic. We sang in the LS after dinner on Friday and Saturday. We danced the Salty Dog Rag, a circle mixer, and a contra dance on Saturday evening.
The hero awards go to Doug, Peter, Leslie, Matthew, Amber, Flip, and Ellis for arriving at camp on Thursday, September 18th to remove the shingles from the roof of the LS. The original shingles that were installed in 1952 were still on the roof. Some 20 years or so ago, the caretaker had installed new roofing felt and shingles over the old felt and shingles. I figure these folks removed between three and four tons of old shingles and felt in about five hours. Charlie had arranged for a dump truck to be there to receive the old shingles.
— Jim Brooks, Chair, Service Committee